15 Good Looking Celebrities Who Destroyed Themselves with Plastic Surgery

©ourtesy of SheBudgets

Celebrities probably feel more pressure than all of us to stay young and good looking, as they’re constantly in front of cameras practically every day of their lives. But unfortunately, this drives them to make some… questionable choices when it comes to their bodies. Plenty of celebrities have gone under the knife for plastic surgery over the years, but sometimes it can go wrong. Very wrong.

kenny-rogersKenny Rodgers

All of the celebrities you see here were at one point quite good looking, but botched or ill-conceived plastic surgery ravaged their faces and bodies more than time itself ever could. Check out the gallery below for 15 of the worst examples.


Donatella Versace

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Looks like ‘Carrot Top’ has found ‘Joan Rivers’ surgeon ..! YIKES SS.

What is up with this Face Job? Some celebrities really need to leave ‘the Knife’, ALONE. Hollywood has got the whole world thinking that ‘Plastic Surgery‘ is really a self-esteem issue. This is just an excuse to convince oneself that “there NOT really vein, in spite of the cars, the houses and the wardrobe”. It All BS! Handing a Surgeon $10,000 bucks to slice & dice your face is just plain old, Crazy and most times, NOT VERY PRETTY. Carving one’s face into a oblivion simply means you’ve run out of things to do in your Life and You need a Hobby. This has nothing to do with a persons insecurities. It merely means that this person has developed a narcissistic way of solving their personal issues .

Please people, understand that “…you cannot improve on what you look like with a knife. Knives leave scars”. If you wanna improve on how you look, start from the inside out. I guarantee You that even though it might not change what You see in the mirror, you sure as Hellwill Feel a whole lot better physically, emotionally and spiritually. Then, after accomplishing that,  it won’t matter to You what anybody thinks about how you look cause you’ll be too busy feeling good about YOU. I am not Judging mind you, just offering some alternatives to those in need. — Photo ©ourtesy of  Jayne County

RACY maybe, TRUE absolutely …!

The Transsexual Escort With Married Clients Who Know Exactly What They’re Buying

Note: Individuals pictured are not the sources of these stories. (Photo: Christopher Anderson/Magnum Photos/New York Magazine)

‘At 21, I got breast implants and also did silicone treatments to give my body a more feminine shape. At 22, I was ­castrated—I had my testicles removed to stop the production of testosterone. Around 23 or 24, I had a “tracheal shave” to reduce my Adam’s apple. I’m an extremely passable transsexual’. Most of my clients consider themselves straight. I consider them … bisexual. I don’t consider them gay. They’re attracted to the beauty of a woman, but with something extra down there that doesn’t necessarily make them gay, yet it doesn’t make them straight, either. That’s the taboo of it all. You see a beautiful woman, a perfect body, but then, surprise, there’s something different. I’ve had men ask me to put on weird heels, like “This is my wife’s.” Probably 80 percent of them are married. I’m not a big fan of marriage. – – continue Reading HERE

Girls…try not “getting clocked” Today!

Being detected as a person who is cross-dressed. Occasionally, this is called getting clocked No transgendered person likes to get read, but the reality is that passing requires extensive practice, and sometimes training, hormone therapy, electrolysis, and cosmetic surgery. Much of this practice must be done in public, where the transgendered person will get read when he or she makes mistakes. A person who is prepared to accept this fact will be much more comfortable in public. One transsexual I know simply starts out from her home with the assumption that everyone will read her, and that that's OK. Even for her, though, this attitude is easier said than felt. Definition Quoted by: DIANE WILSON

A person who is cross-dressed. Occasionally, this is called getting clocked No transgendered person likes to get read, but the reality is that passing requires extensive practice, and sometimes training, hormone therapy, electrolysis, and cosmetic surgery. …Read more